“Will you still feed me, will you still need me, When I’m 64?”

Now that I’m a baby boomer at 64, that Beatles song hits home in more ways than one can imagine. So, when I saw that the local Beatles tribute band “Rubber Soul” was staging a 12-hour Beatles marathon concert, I had to stop by Charleston’s historic Capitol Center Theater and get a “Ticket to ride.”
The show, titled “With a Little Help from Our Friends: The Beatles Marathon Concert”, was a benefit for Arts in Education, specifically local middle and high school vocal programs. The “Friends” that sat in during the noon to midnight odyssey ranged from regional theater pro Ryan Hardiman and West Virginia icon pianist Bob Thompson,
West Virginia Symphony members and NPR’s Mountain Stage house band, with Mountain Stage host Larry Groce emceeing the extravaganza.
As I get older, Beatles songs seem to have a little deeper meaning, from the simple “She Loves You” to Lennon’s “Imagine”. The crowd at this marathon had collective smiles on their faces and a lot of toes were tapping. Event volunteer Marylin McKeown told me “We’ve never had anything like this around here. For everyone who’s a Beatles fan, and who isn’t, I’s a great opportunity to hear some fine musicians play classic music.”
Whether your 46, 16, or a booming 64 like me, give some Beatles songs a new listen. If you’ve got vinyl, dig it out and share with a digital millennial. You might just realize that more often than we think, we do get by with a little help from out friends.