They were serving a delicious spaghetti dinner with all the fixings at the monthly meeting when we went to talk to Huntington AARP Chapter President Jane Cleghon. The chapter is 300 members strong and newly elected president Jane says they are working to rebuild their membership. Not too long ago this was the largest AARP chapter in the country. Jane explained why she joined when the chapter was founded back in 2006:
We asked, what do you focus on? Jane said “We focus on seniors and try to present programs, speakers, anything and everything of interest and education for our seniors, and some fun too! We have physicians, politicians, judges, even bingo games.” When asked why variety is so important, Jane told us very compassionately why the Huntington chapter is among the very best – they care:
Huntington AARP offers an incredible drivers education program, health fairs, picnics, holiday events, and family fellowship. For more information, call 304-526-1023 or go to: https://local.aarp.org/huntington-wv/about-aarp/
And, they cook up a mean plate of spaghetti!