Who learned to drive on a stick shift? For many of us baby boomers, the changes in cars, driving cars – and us driving cars mean we might need a safety update. AARP’s driver safety course is just the thing to get “up to speed” and save money on your car insurance.

West Virginia’s AARP Driver Safety state coordinator Stephanie Kinnard explains that, “The course teaches you how to deal with how driving has changed since we were 16. The cars have changes, the roads have changed, the laws have really changed, and our bodies have changed. When I was 16, when we started driving. I didn’t take medicine. In this course, you become more connected with the state laws that have markedly changed. We didn’t have aggressive driving when we started driving, we didn’t have interstate roads, or the system was just starting when many of us learned to drive.”

We talked to Sue and Ron Beasley, 68 and 71 years old. They’ve taken the course 4 or 5 times. Why? Sue says, ” We take this as a refresher course to help us keep on top of things. Yo wouldn’t believe what you don’t quite know. We get a 10% discount on out car insurance. You can too.”
Stephanie says taking the course can help reduce your car insurance by 5-10%. The certificate is good for 3 years on your policy.
The 2 day course is offered in Huntington and many home towns and on line. For more information on the AARP Driver Safety course, go to www.aarp.org.